Showing the Value of Green Building

If you're in the business of green building or promoting sustainable building and communities, check out our new guide that has recently been added to Demonstrating Value's Resource Library.  In it you'll find guidance on approaches to monitoring and assessing the mission-related impacts of green building and community design, which may be relevant for social enterprises (and programs) that seek to:

  • Create awareness about the environmental, social and economical advantages of green buildings, and provide practical information on how to build green;
  • Promote new urbanism approaches to reduce sprawl in suburban developments;
  • Develop (pilot) projects that showcase green building practices;
  • Provide incentives to retrofit existing buildings to be more energy and water efficient.

Rather than present a list of indicators, we present different methodologies for assessing impact that can be applied to different types of projects (and budgets!)   Approaches to measurement in this area include using tools to assess the impact of alternative design practices, assessing whether there is a change in practice, and assessing the impact of the change in practice on the use of materials, water and energy, and ultimately environmental systems.

For more information, click here, or explore our resources section.

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