The Value Herald, Issue 8, Fall 2013

Welcome to the Fall 2013 Demonstrating Value Newsletter!

The Value Herald quarterly newsletter shares engaging ideas, useful advice and informative resources from Demonstrating Value at Vancity Community Foundation.

Here's our Fall DV newsletter to brighten your days even as the nights get longer (unless you are receiving this down under!)   In this issue we share how Demonstrating Value can support strategic planning, as well our usual mix of what's interesting out there, technical tips and ideas.  If you like our newsletter, share it with a friend!

In This Issue
 The Value Herald shares thoughts, insights and conversations from our blog. In this issue...

Don’t forget to browse through Upcoming Events for exciting opportunities to learn and network. And as always, we love to hear your thoughts on Demonstrating Value and social enterprise measurement and evaluation!
Issues & Ideas

Grounding impact measurement in core business system
Tracking impact measurement in social enterprises can come out of the basic process and system development that should naturally occur in any business.  I recently advanced this notion at the Social Enterprise World Forum, and have been thinking more about how this should be done. Here are some ideas.  Read more

The Technical Corner

Spreadsheets are your friend (really!)
Love it or hate it, spreadsheets are the number one data tracking tool in many community-based organizations. Unless you are, or have a spreadsheet geek on staff, most of us  mainly learn enough to get by - perhaps a few functions, the basics of doing formulas, possibly graphs.  For most people, entering and tracking data in  spreadsheets is easy, but analyzing can be painful.  Here is my wisdom learned from decades of spreadsheeting to make your spreadsheet going a bit easier.  Read more


DV Resource Highlight

The Value of Farmers' Markets in BC: What We Learned from the Toolkit Pilots

We finished our Farmers’ Market Impact Toolkit and piloted it with 9 farmers markets in the summer of 2012.  The toolkit gives farmers market managers the means to collect, analyze and communicate the value that their farmers markets bring to their communities and includes economic, community building, food security, sustainability and market management indicators .See the final version of the toolkit and learn about important value of farmers’ markets based on the pilots. Read more.

Tools Out There
Data Visualization to Change the World
In the era of greater data accessibility and new tools, many people are finding fascinating ways to use data to educate, convince and make connections about the social and environmental challenges of our time.  Here are 10 interesting tools and visualizations that I've come across that give a sense of the scope and range of the data visualization world out there. Read more



Oct 21 to Nov 25 (Vancouver)
Sustainability Planning for Performance: Measuring Outcomes, UBC Continuing Education
This course explores metrics and indicators for measuring positive social, environmental and financial outcomes. For more info, click here

October 22, 2013 (Webinar)
A Hard Look at Innovation and Scaling, Stanford Social Innovation Review
A  realistic look at the role of social innovation, and the balance between innovation and scaling in an organization. For more info, click here

October 24, 2013 (Webinar)
Measuring Economy and Efficiency using Activity-based Costing, Canadian Evaluations Society
Greg Mason will present the core idea of activity based costing, with applications to two contexts. For more info, click here

November 4 & 5, 2013 (Toronto)
Survey Design, Canadian Evaluation Society, Ontario Chapter
This 2 day intermediate level survey design course will build your capacity to plan and manage surveys. For more info, click here

November 14, 2013 (Stanford, CA)
Next Generation Evaluation: Embracing Complexity, Connectivity, and Change
FSG and Stanford Social Innovation Review are convening this forum to explore the possibilities for learning and evaluation in the social sector. Great speaker list! For more info, click here

Contact Us

Demonstrating Value
Vancity Community Foundation
810 - 815 West Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6C 1B4




twitter: @demvalue

Contact Demonstrating Value

Demonstrating Value is an initiative led by Vancity Community Foundation to enhance the capacity of community-based organizations to strategically plan, manage and communicate the value of their work, and in particular the measurement of social and environmental impact.