Making the Case for Software Investment

After a certain point, and perhaps dozens and even hundreds of versions of spreadsheets, there comes a time to contemplate whether there is an easier way to track data.   You know that countless hours can be spent finding and making sense of data when it comes time for planning, budgeting, and in even day to day activities like sales.   But it can be hard to understand the full costs involved in acquiring software and how they relate to your ability to save staff time (and put it to other uses), as well as improving your relationships that ultimately relate to you bottom line(s). 


Demonstrating Value has developed and posted a new workbook that is designed to calculate a return on investment (ROI) for new software like a CRM (Customer Relationship Management system). Doing this can help you understand if a proposed purchase is worthwhile, and can help you make a case for investment to others.  

The calculator includes an example, which shows you a complete calculation. The user inputs basic assumptions as well as data about costs and savings, both upfront and into the future.  It includes cost calculations for staff time involved in implementation and training.

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CRM Systems