Supportive Employment

We create meaningful and appropriate work opportunities (to match needs)job positions created (total, and full-time equivalent positions)
total hours of employment 
list of barriers to employment identified by employees
profile of individuals (gender, age, residence, income)
# persons employed (or self-employed) 
# hours of work provided (total and avg/person)
profile of work opportunities (skilled vs unskilled)
We balance the mix of target and non-target employees to support both our mission and business% employees from target population
ratio of hours worked by employees from target population/ to total hours worked by all employees
We accommodate and support the needs of employees % employees on long-term sick leave
% individuals that are connected to other supports (both internally/externally) 
# Interactions by Support Area or # Community Referrals
% individuals that have completed training this year, by type of training
$  support costs per individual per year
# (avg) scheduling changes per employee
List of supports provided directly to employees
% employees transitioned to work/school
% individuals with wellness plans
examples of individualized supports and training (can use a figure to illustrate)
We increase the financial independence of individuals$ pay/wage/income pre- vs post training
$ average hourly wage and benefit coverage (can also compare this to the industry standard)
$ Income generated (total, avg per person)
Average wage 
Individuals become engaged and stay connected to the social enterpriseAverage length of time involved with the social enterprise OR Training completion and placement rate 
# long-term client employees (>2years)
# employees who left, by reason for leaving
# employees by duration of tenure
Retention rate
Individuals who stabilize their lives and develop important skills, abilities and competenciesQuotes from individuals that highlight achievements
# (and/or %) of employees who assume more responsibility and/or hours
List of skills and capacities gained
% increase in listed skills and capacities
‘open’ narratives that speak to increased stability, independence, quality of life 
#  Individuals who left to pursue a new opportunity that builds on their experience
examples of life changes and 'livelihood assets' developed. One method to draw on could be the Sustainable Livelihood Asset framework or the Most Significant Change framework.
Individuals have an improved quality of life.  Quality of Life Scale (Examples of scales: Multi-purpose: Short Warwick- Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale; Health focused: SF-36 / SF-12, and WHOQOL-BREF; Social Services: GENCAT Scale)

share of people who report that they are "satisfied or very satisfied" with their lives


You may also be interested in some of the following tools, resources and blogs on the DV website that relate to supportive employment:

Employment Support Tracking Tool

Maintaining Privacy and Confidentiality

Showing the Value of Supportive Employment

Supportive Employment Positions Tracking Tool

Sustainable Livelihoods Assessment

Shared Impact Map and Societal Cost Calculator

Quality of Life Tools