Organizational Sustainability Assessment Tool

The following is a preview of the Organizational Assessment Worksheet. For complete worksheet features, please download the worksheet file on the left hand side.

Table of Contents

About this Worksheet

How to Use

Assessment Ratings

About this Worksheet

This worksheet is a self assessment tool which you can use to review the organizational sustainability of the social enterprise. It will guide you to look at how the social enterprise is building 'capitals' that are important to ensure a healthy organization. This includes:

*Human Capital, which represents the knowledge, skills, abilities and capacities possessed by people involved in the social enterprise;

*Organizational Capital, which refers to systems and practices to be able to get things done, and to do them well and consistently;

*Financial Capital, which represents the financial health of the organization in a form of currency that can be traded;

*Social Capital, which represents the number and quality of the social enterprise's relationships;

*Intellectual Capital, which captures the knowledge assets of an organization such as ideas, inventions, general knowledge, designs and processes.

How to Use

Click on the 'Assess the Enterprise' arrow below to rate the enterprise's progress in developing elements of human capital, social capital, financial capital, intellectual capital and organizational capital. Describe actions to strengthen these areas, and track follow-up in the 'Track Follow-up' sheet.

Assessment Ratings

On a scale of 0 to 4 (where '0' is 'not at all' and '4' is 'very strong'), rate the enterprise's progress in developing each of the resources listed below. Once you have rated your development, describe the rationale for the rating, and where necessary, outline specific actions for improvement.

Human CapitalSelf-ratingWhy?Action(s)
Board of Directors   
Organizational CapitalSelf-ratingWhy?Action(s)
Physical Space / Infrastructure   
Organizational Culture & Practices   
Strategic and Business Planning   
Operational Systems and related technology   
Financial CapitalSelf-ratingWhy?Action(s)
Size and Quality of Assets   
Use of Assets   
Financial Sustainability   
Social CapitalSelf-ratingWhy?Action(s)
Business related   
Mission Related   
Intellectual CapitalSelf-ratingWhy?Action(s)
Leadership in community   
Product and process innovation   
Brand Strength