Demonstrating Value featured on TechSoup!
Demonstrating Value is crossing borders, with a recent feature on both and that includes excerpts from the Demonstrating Value Workbook.
Demonstrating Value is crossing borders, with a recent feature on both and that includes excerpts from the Demonstrating Value Workbook.
Client Relationship Management (CRM) systems are a mix of policies, processes and strategies used by organizations to manage contacts and track their interactions with their stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, volunteers, employees, funders, donors, clients and others. Keeping these contacts organized can be difficult (especially as organizations grow in size), so many seek to develop more formal systems for tracking this information using CRMs. Yet selecting and effectively using CRMs can be a challenge, especially for organizations with limited resources.
Our friends at enterprising non-profits have a round of social enterprise socials coming up on topics suggested by social enterprise practitioners. Each social will be interactive and you will have the opportunity to learn from your peers, and to share your thoughts and experiences – register now!
I recently had the opportunity to participate in an insightful webinar facilitated by Kylie Hutchinson at Community Solutions Planning & Evaluation. This webinar, entitled “You Say Impacts, I Say Outcomes” was all about clarifying the confusion in evaluation terminology.