The Value Herald, Issue 13 Spring / Summer



Welcome to the Spring / Summer 2015 Demonstrating Value Newsletter! 

The Value Herald quarterly newsletter shares engaging ideas, useful advice and informative resources from Demonstrating Value. 

Getting a handle on better measurement is a lot like spring cleaning - sometimes you just have to create some order so that you can function better in your space.  This issue features an article related to this theme, as well as our usual mix of what's interesting out there, practical tips and ideas.  If you like our newsletter, share it with a friend!

The Practical Corner
Why bother with measurement?  
10 tips for making the case and finding the time

Among competing management and planning priorities, it is not always easy to make time for improving systems to measure and communicate organizational performance and impact.  A few tips for making the case and time:

1.  You are already spending lots of time measuring. Be more effective. 
2. It isn't urgent, but it's important! 
3. Push ahead when you can.
4. Don't tackle everything at once. 
5. Connect this work with planning processes and retreats.
6. Make measurement relevant to what is already happening.
7. Stop trying to measure vision and big societal impacts.
8. Find the right team and resources. 
9. A single software solution is not likely to solve all your problems.
10. Take control of what you measure (before others do).

Read more  



Issues & Ideas

We need to think a lot more critically about metrics


The media love metrics: they are pithy and to-the-point.  But too often they are taken at face value and reported out of context.  This is true for the sound bite: ‘Vancouver is the second least affordable city in the world.'  See why this metric doesn't hold up very well when you dig below the surface. In fact, Vancouver may well be 215th least affordable.   Read more   


DV Resources & Tools


Guide to CRM Systems (How to avoid implementation nightmares)
Many organizations face challenges when selecting and implementing Client Relationship Management software solutions.  According to many industry analysts, a huge number of CRM projects fall short.  Some even estimate more than half fail.

We created a short guide that presents common issues and potential solutions.  It looks  at key decision factors, such as choosing a web-based or In-house system, and how to ideally select a CRM system and avoid failure.  Read more


Tools Out There


The Value of Art and Culture: Helpful Frameworks for Measuring Action and Impact
Some of the most challenging impacts to define and measure relate to the value of arts and culture.  While it is quite common to see output numbers like attendance and participation rates for arts and culture-related initiatives, rarely do we see measures that relate to deeper impacts.  Yet without this, cultural investments often find themselves on the short end of the stick and are traded off in favour of competing investments.  

Luckily, there are some useful  frameworks to draw on out there, that provide compelling ways to think about the role of culture.  These include: 

  • Creative Economies
  •  Cultural Sustainability
  •  Social Cohesion and Social Integration
  •  Social Capital

 Read more 

Upcoming Community Events

May 20 (evening) and 21, 2015 (Nanaimo, BC) 
seCatalyst Gala Event and Day of Learning
An evening of inspiring speakers, pitches and  a skills-building conference the next d
ay. More Info 

May 21, 2015 (Surrey) 
Good Business Forum
Workshops, speakers and one-on-one advice for social enterprises, coops and impact busin
esses  More info
May 22, 2015 (Vancouver)
The Digitial Nonprofit

Non-profits can learn about strategies and tools to use the internet and data more effec
tively. More info
May 24-27 (Montreal)
The Canadian Evaluation Society's National Conference
Dialogue and workshops about theoretical, philosophical, and practical issues in evaluation.More info

May 25, 2015 (Toronto)
Impact Ontario
Conference hosted by MaRS to support “deal flow 
and impact investing opportunities”  More info
May 27, 2015 (Vancouver)
Failure Wake
Radius (SFU) give
s as a  forum for learning, sharing and talking about the failure of social ventures.  More info
May 27, 2015 (Vancouver)
Social Enterprise Heroes
A friendly competition and learning event for cash and other prizes.  More info
May 31 – June 3
Summer Evaluation Institute (Atlanta)
Mix of workshops & training rotations that cover many evaluation topics. More info
June 1 – 26, 2015 (on-line course)
Technology for Data Visualization
Four week online certificate course on visualizing and analyzing data using a variety of tech tools. More info
 June 1 - 2 (Calgary);  June 10-11 (Toronto)
SROI Accreditation Training
Learn all about Social Return on Investment in 2 days. More info
June 2 -3, 2015 (on-line)
Developmental Evaluation Workshop
Workshop is designed for leadership teams of 3-4. Must apply. More info
June 2-3 (Stanford, CA)
Data on Purpose: Creating Social Change with Data
Conference and workshops to learn more about using data effectively, strategically, and securely. More info

June 8 - July 3, 2015 (Ottawa, Canada)
International Program for Development Evaluation Training
Course for professionals working in the field of development More info

June 17 - 20, 2015 (Portland Oregon)
City 2 City Mission, Study Tour
Take the train from Vancouver and attend receptions, presentations and visit sustainability projects and businesses. 
 More info

June 17-20, 2015  (Oaxaca Mexico)
CATAPULTA Festival Social Innovation Forum
Forum that will include music, talks, film screenings, workshops, art and more. More info
June 22-26, 2015 (Toronto)
Sustainability & CSR Management Course
4 module course +  extra day possible to apply what you’ve learned. More info

July 6 – 9, 2015 / August 10 - 13, 2015 (Toronto)
Essential Skills Series 
Four day course to learn about basics of program evaluation.More info